In JPA there is no Constructor Expression for native SQL queries. QLRM fills the gap!
And because the implementation was quite easy there is an implementation for JDBC resultsets as well.
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QLRM is available in Maven Central
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to org.qlrm
Sometimes it’s cleaner to move the SQL statements to a file but how to execute these statements?
QueryExecutors to the rescue!
There is an implemenation that takes a JDBC connection and one using the JPA EntityManager.
JdbcQueryExecutor queryExecutor = new JdbcQueryExecutor();
List<EmployeeTO> list = queryExecutor.executeSelect(con, EmployeeTO.class, "select_with_one_param.sql", 1);
JpaQueryExecutor queryExecutor = new JpaQueryExecutor();
List<EmployeeTO> list = queryExecutor.executeSelect(em, EmployeeTO.class, "select_with_one_param.sql", 1);
The usage is quite forward but be aware of:
JpaResultMapper jpaResultMapper = new JpaResultMapper();
Query q = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT ID, NAME FROM EMPLOYEE");
List<EmployeeTO> list = jpaResultMapper.list(q, EmployeeTO.class);
Query q = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT ID, NAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE ID = 1");
EmployeeTO to = jpaResultMapper.uniqueResult(q, EmployeeTO.class);
Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT, FROM Employee e");
List<EmployeeTO> list = jpaResultMapper.list(q, EmployeeTO.class);
Query q = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT, FROM Employee e WHERE = 1");
EmployeeTO to = jpaResultMapper.uniqueResult(q, EmployeeTO.class);
JdbcResultMapper jdbcResultMapper = new JdbcResultMapper();
List<EmployeeTO> list = jdbcResultMapper.list(stmt.getResultSet(), EmployeeTO.class);
boolean ok = stmt.execute("SELECT ID, NAME FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE ID = 1");
EmployeeTO to = jdbcResultMapper.uniqueResult(stmt.getResultSet(), EmployeeTO.class);
The QL Result Mapper is inspired by EclipseLink and Hibernate:
ClassGenerator is a simple utility to generate transfer objects from database tables.
The first parameter is the path where the source file should be generated to. The second is the package name, third a suffix. With the forth parameter you can define if the fields should be public or if the generator must generate getters. Then a database connection must be passed. And the last parameter is a vargargs where you can pass one or multiple table names.
ClassGenerator classGenerator = new ClassGenerator();
classGenerator.generateFromTables("src/test/java/", "", "TO", false, con, "EMPLOYEE");
Special thanks for their contribution to
QLRM is open source and free software under Apache License, Version 2: